NewsBullets® 800-539-8003
Content-Style Native Advertising
Engagement, Discovery, ROI
Our Newbullets® ad format was created with engagement in mind and has continued to over-deliver on marketing campaigns since 2008. Adblade offers creative digital solutions that drive success for businesses of all sizes, with measurable results against a broad range of marketing objectives.
This Store Has It All
Placements That Get Noticed
In today's content driven environment, consumers are reading stories, articles and scrolling through feeds. Newsbullets appear on some of the most well-known media properties and viral sites, where consumers' attention is already directed.
Newbullets are able to produce an engagement rate of 3x that of traditional display ads because of their unique format and placement. Newsbullets mimic the editorial content they are placed within and because of this, no other ad format comes close on ROI.
What's even better? We do the work. We can version out your creative for our Newsbullet format across any device.
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Target the Right Audience
Hands with smartphones
The internet is a big place, and Adblade is here to help navigate the digital environment. We can tailor any campaign and ensure your ad budget is spent on finding the right audience.
Adblade's advanced targeting options take the guesswork out of your digital advertising campaigns.
Geo Targeting
Find the consumers you are looking for in the U.S. by state, DMA, and zip code. We understand that marketing doesn't follow borders, so now you can target by countries or cities across the globe.
Device Targeting
Looking to reach customers specifically on their desktop, tablet or mobile device? We can do that. Narrow it down even further by operating system (Android, iOS, and Windows Phones).
Audience Targeting
Access our internal and third-party data, such as Alliant Insight, to show your ad to the right audience. Target by behavioral data including lifestyle, purchase propensities, behavior and even interests.
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  1. 800-539-8003