Agency Solutions 800-539-8003
Experience the Value of an Ultra-Premium Ad Network
Why do the world’s top agencies choose Adblade for their client’s direct-response and brand-awareness campaigns?

Because we’re the only ad network that delivers the perfect combination of premium inventory, brand-safe assurance, extensive reach, and proprietary ad units designed to drive ROI.
Easily Reach Premium, Top-Branded Sites
Membership in the Adblade network is restricted to premium, top-branded sites so forget about negotiating individually with each site: Simply upload your campaign creatives once, and we'll take it from there.
The King of Local Campaigns
Help clients reach local audiences. Targeting by DMA, city, and zip code make Adblade the prefect vehicle for local and hyper-local brand-awareness and direct response campaigns.
Scale Campaigns
With hundreds of branded sites, reaching over 300 million monthly users in the US alone, Adblade gets your clients' messages in front of all of their best prospects, quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.
Adblade scale campaigns
Adblade brand safe
100% Brand Safe
No ad network is more vigilant when it comes to website screening and content monitoring. Our vigilance has earned us AdSafe’s highest brand-safety rating.
That means you’ll never need to field calls from clients who are angry over a bad ad placement!
Proprietary and Standard Ad Units Drive ROI
Readers take notice of Adblade's NewsBullets®, our category-killing ad unit. Designed to look more like news blurbs than ads, NewsBullets® consistently deliver 3x more clicks than standard display ads.
Robust Reporting
Keep your clients in the know about campaign performance with Adblade’s robust reporting! Reports are available in real time and offer a complete suite of reporting 24/7.
Adblade robust reporting

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