Can I pick out individual sites from the Adblade Platform to advertise on?
No, our system will automatically expose your ads to the placements where it performs best, based on eCPM and your ROI goals. This will ensure your ads are being shown in the placements where they are most effective.
Is there a minimum spend commitment to get started?
For self serve advertisers, the only minimum is a $50 deposit to get started.
How do I set up an advertiser account?
Go to the home page of Adblade.com and click the "Start Advertising Now" button. Fill out the form and follow the prompts to create your first ad.
Can you create ads for me?
We are happy to help with best practices. Please contact your account manager for further details. You can also upload ads yourself from your account.
What type of pricing models do you offer?
We offer both CPC (Cost per Click) and CPM (Cost per Thousand Views) pricing.
Do you take CPA or CPL offers?
We do not take on CPA or CPL opportunities ourselves. All advertisers pay Adblade on a CPC or CPM basis.
How long does it take to approve ads?
All ads are reviewed in the order they come in. We try to review everything within 2-3 business days. Ads are not reviewed on weekends.
Where can I find images to use for my ads?
We require that all advertisers use images in which they have legal rights to use. If you do not have creative assets you can use a site like www.IstockPhoto.com to find images to purchase.
Can I GEO Target my ads?
Yes you can GEO Target any State, DMA or Zip Code in the US, any Province in Canada and any State in Australia.
Can you target countries outside the US?
Yes, you can target Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Republic of Nigeria, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela and Vietnam; talk to an account representative for more details.
I created ads but they have not been approved.
Before your ads can be reviewed by our approval team you need to check off the box next to each ad that says "ready to go live."
I created ads and checked the "Ready to go live" box but my ads are still not approved.
Before your ads can be approved your account needs to have a minimum of $50 balance.
"What are your ad specs"
Click here for our Ad Specs
What macros are available for advertisers to use?

Clickthrough URL Macros

These macros can be used to add data to an advertiser's click URLs. These are especially useful when doing S2S conversion tracking and the client is tracking in Kochava, however they are not limited to Kochava users only.
  • [adId]
  • [advertiserId]
  • [clickId]
  • [publisherId]
  • [DeviceVersion]
  • [EncodedAdbladeTracker]

Impression Tracking Macros

These macros are used to do cachebusting and to insert a unique timestamp in an impression tracking URL.
  • [cachebuster]
  • [timestamp]

Geo Macros

These macros can be used to replace the city or state in the text of an ad based on the user's IP address.
  • [GEOSTATE] - full state name. If the IP address lookup doesn't return a result it will display "your state"
  • [GEOSTATESHORT] - 2 letters state
  • [GEOCITY] - ad "description" should start with the macro, but it can be everywhere in ad "title". If the IP address lookup doesn't return a result it will display "your city".
Still need Advertiser help?
Start advertising now
  1. 800-539-8003